Is it an easy mod?
Published on January 16, 2005 By Flannelmeister In WindowBlinds
I notice that while some blinds bay be right clicked and "rolled up", some can't.

Now, I am a real fan of this feature and am disappointed when the blind I use because of it's appearance doesn't have this facility. Is this a relatively simple option to apply in Skin Studio or are we talking a huge kerfuffle needing to know about (gulp!) scripts and stuff? Or perhaps there is a DLL that has to be dropped into the visual style file?

Can anyone tell me how to do this or is it a non-starter?

on Jan 16, 2005
WB config/User Overrides/Advanced Settings
on Jan 16, 2005
Developer yrag,

You are a prince among men, cheers mate.
on Jan 16, 2005